Econometric Methods for Msc students (2022-2023)
Teaching Assistant (TA)

This module is designed for Msc students seeking a high-level understanding of econometric analysis. It is divided into two parts. The first part reviews the fundamental elements of the regression analysis, meaning the properties of the OLS estimator, issues in linear models, model evaluation, etc. The second part is devoted to teaching logit, probit and multinomial models. We then finish the module by introducing some elements of classication methods and other state-of-the-art techniques in machine learning.

My role as a TA involves delivering seminar/lab sessions and marking assignments throughout the module. I also hold office hours to help students navigating through take-home assignments and problem sets.

Introductory Macro for undergraduate students (2021-2022)
Teaching Assistant (TA)

This class is designed for first-year undegraduate students majoring in Economics and related fields. It is a year long module designed to equip students with necessary theoretical and empirical tools for advanced macroeconomics classes. We covered topics related to unemployment and labour market, business cycles, AD-AS model, IS-LM model, and advanced-policy oriented questions pertaining to inflation/monetary policy.

My role as a TA involves delivering seminar/lab sessions and marking assignments throughout the module. I also hold office hours to help students navigating through take-home assignments and problem sets.